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What is Metastatic Breast Cancer? | A Complete Guide

The metastatic breast cancer is also called stage four breast cancer, is quite severe. This cancer spreads all around the body. 

Though the 5-year rate of existence for metastatic breast cancer is almost 22%, the treatment can assist you in living longer. 


After breast cancer is detected, it involves many years for the disorder to expand throughout the body. It is the reason why females are having initial-stage cancer have more rates of survival. 

When cancer initiates spreading, every body part is in danger. But, some regions are likely to get affected more as compared to the others. It involves the liver, lungs, brain, and chiefly, the bones. 


UNPLANNED LOSS OF WEIGHT: While suffering from this disease, there is a substantial weight loss. The weight loss is due to less appetite and muscle weakening. 

Cancer reduces your desire to eat proper food. If the disorder has extended to the liver, you may begin scaling down more affectedly. 

DEPRESSION: It is definitely common for metastatic breast cancer to cause distress. You should go for the support of a health professional and your loved ones to overcome the state of grief. 

EXCESS FATIGUE: Similar to other kinds of cancer, metastatic cancer results in severe fatigue. After having a sound sleep at night, the victims wake up exhausted. Even the regular activities can result in tiredness such as opening doors and walking etc. So, the workout would be of no use. The primary symptom of metastatic cancer is endless tiredness. 

MALIGNANT GROWTH (LIVER METASTASES): If breast cancer spreads to the liver, there is a probability of feeling substantial pain in the abdomen. Vomiting is also expected to happen. The skin starts to pale as the liver is profoundly affected. 

LUNG METASTASES: The breast cancer that has entered the lungs advances slowly. While you may get a shortness of breath and a chronic cough, it results in building up of fluid inside the lungs. Then, there will be an issue in breathing. 

BONE METASTASES: In many cases, individuals do not understand that they have metastatic breast cancer until they undergo a rupture. The bones will be brittle and weak — a small injury results in a fracture. 

BRAIN METASTASES: While advancing cancer to the brain does not take place in a while, it results in much pain. The personality changes, dizziness, and headaches will be challenging to overlook. Sometimes, seizures also occur. 

Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash


CHEMOTHERAPY: The first course of action is chemotherapy. Strong medicines are intended to destroy the growth of cancerous cells. The tumor starts shrinking fast while having treatment with chemotherapy. 

Chemotherapy treatment is quite effective; some disadvantages are there as well.  As the drugs are so useful, people feel entirely useless after every sitting. 

TARGETED THERAPY: Like chemotherapy, this therapy includes the use of particular medications. The targeted therapy aims to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. These medications do not affect healthy cells. It means that people can avoid the tiredness that comes along with the chemo treatments. 

While it is an excellent option to go for targeted therapy, there are some cons as well. Issues with high blood pressure and blood clotting are quite prevalent. 

RADIATION THERAPY: radiation therapy is suggested when breast cancer has advanced to several other parts of the body. The high dose of radiation is used to kill the cancerous cells by injuring the DNA. Hence, it is perfect for particular regions of the body. 

During the process, radiation therapy is used for damaging some of the healthy cells. The body will include an excessive deal of energy to renew the nearby tissues.  It is imperative to consume sufficient calories in the diet. A consultant will guide you on what to eat and what to not eat. 

SURGERY: As compared to other cancer treatments, surgery is an old technique. Radiation therapy and surgery typically go along with each other. But, surgery assists in removing the malignant tumors, the radiation therapy confirms that they do not come back. 

The pain and probability of infection are the two most significant problems with surgery. Hence, you will take 3-4 weeks to recover. 


It is a challenge to live with metastatic breast cancer; you can overcome the probabilities. Every day, the investigators work hard to explore the new solutions to this cancer. You can also browse through the internet to check about the modern development in the treatment of breast cancer.