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Why Millions of People in America Go for Hip Replacements?

With the increase of age, hip pain is predictable – it is quite common, but it is not that discomfort that you need to live with for your remaining life. Due to the advancements in technology, the surgery of hip replacement is cost-effective, safe, and secure than before. 

The number of people in America gets their hip replacements is increasing. In the last years, the alternatives of the hip have become most prevalent in young adults, and thousands of individuals experience the surgery every year, as stated by WebMD. 

Dr. Mark Pagnano, the orthopedic surgeon, explained the reason behind the people’s selection to have hip replacement surgery, and how it can assist in improving the quality of life in the patients. If you consider getting a hip replacement, read here to make the right decision for yourself. 


Not every individual requires surgery for hip replacement. However, if you live in discomfort, searching for the reason that can make your life comfortable, the answer can be a hip replacement. 

The hip pain makes everyday life demanding. With this pain, you cannot walk, move around, get up, and go around your regular tasks. If you have the following issues or signs, you should go for hip replacement:

  • Difficulty sitting down or standing up
  • Hard to walk
  • Feel difficult to bend over
  • Tough to climb stairs
  • Challenging to walk for even short distances
  • Discomfort when not moving

You should deal with these problems if you consider you may be eligible for hip replacement.

Before deciding that a hip replacement will assist in reducing your discomfort and solving the issues, it is imperative to check out other options. You can find help with other therapies as well, depending on the source of the pain, your health, and age. 

Talk to your physician about the agony you are living with and check what he/she suggests. Your consultant will recommend you to try the below-mentioned options, according to WebMD, before going for this surgery:

  • Anti-inflammatory injections and medications
  • Medications for pain, either prescription or over-the-counter
  • The weight loss
  • Exercise and physical therapy

When you go for these options of treatment and find out any potential conditions, you can think and get ready for the hip replacement. You will need a hip replacement if you have problems like arthritis and injuries, causing damage. 


If you have decided that the hip replacement is the best choice for you, getting ready for the surgery is the next step. Nowadays, the methods of hip replacement make the complete process less painful, smoother, and more comfortable – and you can start feeling better quickly. 

Most probably, there are several essential things to consider, similar to other surgeries. Here is the vital information you need to know before you are thinking about surgery. 


Similar to other surgeries, hip replacement comes with some dangers. While deciding to undergo surgery, you can develop the following issues, as WebMD stated:

  • Blood clots
  • Anesthesia-related issues
  • Hip dislocation
  • Heart attack
  • Internal or external bleeding
  • Infections
  • Nerve injuries

Try to consult with your physician about the risks. Your general health plays a significant role in your surgery of hip replacement. 


Similar to the other surgeries, you need rest after the hip surgery because everything takes time to heal. It can take half a year or almost one year for getting recovered completely, as stated by WebMD. 

You will feel pain and need help as you start recovering. Do not drive for some time and take the help of a stick or cane for walking. With the support of physical therapy, you can learn to walk again. During this, you will have to do the exercises for moving your new hip and making yourself healthy during the healing period. You will be free of pain when you recover completely. 


Although a hip replacement will help you in lessening the pain, increasing the well-being, and living a fulfilled life, it is a temporary solution. It is the best solution, but it lasts for 10-20 years, according to WebMD. 

If you are a young individual, it means you require hip replacement for the second time in your life. If you feel that your hip is causing pain again, you may need follow-up procedures or revisions. 

If you are an older person, 10-20 years can be the best for you. Later in life, the hip replacement can offer you maximum pain relief, and you can rely on a new hip for your remaining life. 


If you have made your mind about getting the hip replacement, you have got all the necessary information. Now, the only thing left is you need searching for the best hip replacement that suits your needs. 

You will find several options and products for hip replacement, and your surgeon or doctor can clarify them. You need replacing your aching hip with the one that will be suitable, helpful, and long-lasting. So, start browsing online so that you can know about multiple options, read the reviews, and find out the one that is best according to your requirements. 

Don’t forget: FDA clears the option of a hip replacement; it does not mean that it is safe. It is the reason why research is essential and consult different doctors before you decide.