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Get a Flat Stomach With These Exercises

With summer right around the corner, there is one thing on everyone’s mind. How am I going to work off this winter weight? One area we are always looking to tighten is the tummy. Many women collect fat in this area and struggle with finding effective exercises. For those of you ladies out there, try these stomach flattening exercises.

1. Plank

Planks are great for strengthening your core all around. It can be challenging but just a little bit of practice can help you see big results! Begin on all fours then extend your legs and arms. Your legs should be in the push-up position and elbow should be resting on the ground holding yourself up. Try to keep your body as straight as a board with your elbows shoulder-width apart. 

Hold it as long as you can and time yourself. Rest. Then add 5 seconds. Rest. Then add another 5 seconds! Keep track of how long you can hold the planks, constantly trying to push yourself a bit more.

2. Reverse Crunches

Begin by laying flat on your back with your hands under your rear. Then, keeping your legs as straight as you can, lift them up in the air, lifting your rear and lower back off the ground. As if a rope is attached to your feet and slowly pulling you up! With control, lower your back, rear, and legs to the ground, but do not touch! Just hover slightly above the floor. Then repeat the move 10 to 15 times. 

3. Russian Twists

Begin by sitting on your rear with your knees bent in front of you. Then lift your feet so you are balancing on your rear. Using a weight, hold it with both hands and twist to tap it on the floor on each side of you. Do this while balancing and be sure to really twist your body.

Be sure to do these exercises on a regular basis but if you do feel your muscles are sore or feeling strained, rest. If you overdo it you do risk injury. Which is why it is always important to have your rest days and mix up your routine!