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The Risks of Detox Dieting, Stay Safe

Of all the fad diets, detox dieting has taken on a life of its own. Selling vulnerable individuals who are only interested in being healthy and feeling better, the idea that a detox will cleanse their bodies making them feel “new”. Not only is it ill-informed but it is irresponsible. 

Our bodies do not need detoxifying for the simple reason that we have evolved to create a system that naturally removes toxins from our body. It is called the liver and it will provide all the detoxing goodness you need. Your body is that amazing! No fad diets needed!

Still not convinced? Here are just a few of the health risks that could occur if you engage in detox dieting:

1. Vitamin Deficiency

Even if your detox focuses on fruits and vegetables, you are still very susceptible to missing out on essential nutrients. While fruit and veggies are great for you and often rich in vitamins, they are not proper for a full balanced diet. 

2. Deteriorating Muscles

When your body begins missing out on those nutrients it is going to go into starvation mode. It will quickly begin storing fat, worried it may not get another meal soon. For energy, it will tap into your protein reserves stored in your muscles. 

3. Hair loss, skin irritation, and poor nail health

Your hair, skin, and nails are all very easily affected by your diet. These three areas can wither due to missing nutrients and starving for protein. 

4. Nutrient Deficient Illnesses

When you restrict your bodies access to nutrients you risk all the illnesses and diseases that come with not receiving a balanced diet. This includes, but is not limited to, gallstones, anemia, and iron deficiency. 

Detox diets are an unfortunate fad diet that has gained too much popularity. They are harmful and when done for too long can cause serious damage. If you are still considering a detox diet, be sure to speak with your doctor first. Ultimately, they will understand your health, needs, and nutritional needs better than anyone, providing you the best way to look and feel better.